We released SQLiteManager few days ago and the new update is already available on the Mac AppStore. In this version we tried to fix all the issues users reported in the past months and we tried also to improve some of the most important functionalities.
We strongly recommend to all our users to upgrade to this version.

Release notes:

  • Updated sqlite to version
  • Added native cubeSQL server support
  • Improved reserved tables and columns names handling
  • Added a new preference to hide/show full database paths
  • Improved SQL import/export capabilities
  • Improved Triggers support
  • Improved Table Editor with full foreign keys support
  • Rewritten Record Editor with much improved usability
  • Improved BLOB Preview (double click on a BLOB now opens the Preview panel)
  • Fixed a flick issue on Windows
  • Fixed an issue related to .shm and .wal files
  • RSReports has been updated to the latest 2010.2.2 version
  • Scripts and Plugins on Mac are now located inside user/Library/Application Support/SQLiteManager, on Windows XP are located in /user/Application Data/SQLiteManager and in Windows 7 are located inside /user/AppData/Roaming/SQLiteManager
  • A lot of other small fixes and optimizations

More information are available from: